O2-Radio Frequency- Microcurrent

O2 Oxygen Facial 60 MIN
Pure oxygen along with specialty added boost serum to re-energize tired cells making them more plump and hydrated. This facial purifies the face and leaves a refreshing glow with countless anti aging benefits!

O2 Oxygen Glow Refresh after 2-weeks 45 MIN
Renew your glow with an oxygen refresher facial. Please only book 2-weeks after having the oxygen facial.

Radio Frequency 60MIN
Radio Frequency therapy uses high-frequency alternating currents to heat tissue in the dermis stimulating collagen production. It causes the body to release heat shock proteins to increase collagen fibers supporting healthy collagen production to lift and tone the skin on the face or body. Amazing!

Microcurrent 60 MIN
Microcurrent naturally mimics the reproduction of skin cells making skin cells healthy again. The currents make the muscles contract and stimulate lifting and lymphatic flow. It works great like a natural facelift!

Microcurrent Maintenance 45 MIN
Maintain your naturally toned and lifted microcurrent results with just once a month treatment.
You must have completed a series to book maintenance and treatments must be kept consecutive. Otherwise please book a series or service. Maintenance price is released if service is not completed monthly.

Microcurrent or Radio Frequency Series of 3 – 45 MIN
For best results with microcurrent it is recommended to begin with 1-2 times a week for at least 4-6 weeks or even 10-12 weeks before going on to maintenance. For best results with Radio Frequency it is recommended 1 time a month.
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